*Name : Lee Kah Yee aka Xiao Yi
*Age: 15
*Reward 50cents if found her.
*Please call 1300882525 if u saw her.
[ Scene 1 ]
[ Scene 2 ]
[ Scene 3 ]
MONDAY, 26/10/09 :- 特别新闻报告 Special news from Sarah's TV station. This lovely morning, as picture show above, Killer May had killed an egg using my dad's pan. She made the whole kitchen nearly got fire. The pan is now retarted and became blackie. It was told by her that she was playing poker with her siblings , Allen & Sarah until she forgotten that she is cooking the egg and she said that she called kakak to take care of the egg. And as the shop is busying , kakak had also forget about it. The egg & pan is charred and when kakak saw it, it was burning on fire. She once again one stone killed 2 birds. Luckily kakak save the pan on time and once again save the world. This world without killer May will be better and this world with kakak will be much more safer. Later than Killer May had broke a bowl when she was playing with Allen. So if anyone found Killer May please please inform or call me =)
Nothing to do. lol . crapssssss. Gonna study later i guess. 7 chapters to read.
in my bed